Ever feel a bit behind at the water cooler? Get lost in those Lost office e-mail threads? Television without pity has a staff of professional ‘recappers’ armed and ready to give you the full dirt on TV’s most popular shows – complete with snarky quips that you can feel free to pass of as your own.
Looking to bone up on your musical literacy? There’s no more complete a resources than All Media Guide’s allmusic. Launched in 1991, allmusic is an exhaustive resource for music chronologies, history, biographical information, and criticism, compiled by more than 900 writers covering rock, classical, jazz, folk, hip-hop, electronic music and every other genre under the sun.
Without doubt, this is the most complete movie guide ever: up-to the – minute movie news, actor and filmmaker bios, and unbelievably detailed indexing of every aspect of every film and TV show you can remember. Plus, the new Internet Movie Database synopsis feature allows collaborative editing for contributors to directly add/update/edit/delete in-depth synopses for movies and TV shows free of commentary and blissfully filled with plot spoilers.
www.pitchfork.comIt may be – infect, it almost certainly is – too uber – hip and indifferently snaky for its own good, but try as they might, music fans can’t ignore Pitchfork. The site has eclipsed the Rolling stones and spins of the world for news and reviews of independent artists, and even the occasional unironic tip of the hat to the latest Kelly Clarkson CD.
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